Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Project #12 Movie Trailer

My book Trailer for Toy Story

I love this book and movie. My son was crazy over Buzz Lightyear for years. I did this for him.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Blog Post #8

Dr. Ricard E. Miller dicusses writing with Multimedia
Dr. Miller and how it has changed the way we write. It has changed the way we teach.

"The greatest change in human communication in human history" is now upon us. The internet has chnaged how we communiate. The internet has changed how we educate. The internet has changed how students learn. There has never been a more important moment than there is now.

He grew up reading, studying and learning from books. Just as I did. But now those days are gone. You can find any book online. You can go to amazon.com and buy a book for $00.59. Books fade and go away. The internet and what is uploaded to the internet live on. Long gone are the days of going to the library to research a topic. Now you just need a computer and internet access.

The way of classrooms have changed too. The students no longer need books to work with. All they need is laptops and word processing. Students now can research a topic add images, voices, videos, and text. We all can collebrate with other poeple on projects from around the world. This is an incremental change not a fundamental change!

2. Ms. Carly Carly Pugh did a wonderful job on this blog post. She really made me think about what I could do to my list on Utube. She chagellenged me in thinking about what I would put on my page. I love history. I love litature too. So by using a simple ten vidoes I could show my students who I am and what imspires me. I believe that students would much rather watch a great vidoe on World War I than hear me talk about it. Why not talk and show at the same time?

3.EDM310 for Dummies EDM310 For Dummies was so funny. Yes, EDM310 has made me a little crazy. But I have learned so much. The lab is the best place to go in the world. I try to do stuff at home and it doen't work. I walk into the lab and everything comes together. People that don't use the lab are DUMMIES. If you don't learn about twitter or join delicious you are just crazy.

Chipper Chipper is a mess. She is so out of it. She doesn't want to do any of the work. She wants Dr. Strange to hand it to her. She goes through a lot. She learns that Dr. Strange is doing all of US a huge favor. He is teaching us how to teach ourselves. Which leads us to leading our students into learning how to use the tools of technology themselves. Which I will admit I was not into this at all. I didn't know what my role as a teacher was with guiding students into technology and self learning. Now I know! Thank you Dr. Strange!

My own video would be so fun. I would talk about how I didn't know where my role as a teacher fit into the classroom using so much technology. I thought that my role was not there. But it is. I am to guide my students. I am to show them how to use all these wonderful and cool tools out there. I thought that my role as a teacher was being pushed out the door. But it's not. It's changing. I am old and scared of change. But change is a good thing, just scary. I had taken a computer class ten years ago. USA accepted it and allowed me to go on with my Elementary Education degree. I went through student teaching this Spring of 2012. I can honestly say I was lost with what all the three teachers excepted me to know about technology. I think that no matter if you have had a computer class, USA needs to make you take this course. My student teaching experience would have been so much greater. So I am up for any video to help future EDM310 students understand how important it is to take this class. I have changed my way of thinking about teaching with technology. I am hard headed, old and set in my ways. This course has changed me!
Web 2.0 was a awlesome video. Web 2.0 Is an website that is interactive. When adminstration impliement this into the schools, it is going to inhance the capabilities of endless knowledge. There are seven main goals that Web 2.0 enchance with education. The websites are going to be a place where the information is interactive. The students are going to be able to acess live footage of hurricanes. They can go anywhere in the world. Our studnets will be able to play learning games. They can go anywhere and investigate anything! Web 2.0 is accessable as well! Anytime, anywhere, and wherever. One of the biggest help about Web 2.0 is it is collaborative. The students and teachers will be able to commiunate with many other students/teachers from around the world. I think it is always great to know that there are more people out there that is into your cause or content. Plus the parents are going to be able to use the sites and get involved. They will meet parents having the same difficulties or solutions. It is very positive. It uplifts students to know that there are students that are just like them. These kids will meet and make new friends. I think it's great that teachers have this tool to use too. Because it is always great to have people that are willing to help you. "Two heads are better than one", think about endless heads! Wow! The engagement is going to excite the students, parents and teachers. Who doesn't want to learn new and exciting things with someone one who lives in another part of the world or just down the street. Children will be engaged because every child I know wants to get on the computer. My 2 1/2 year old son wants to get on the computer so bad. During student teaching, I had to buy him is own "kiddie" computer. When I do computer work, he gets his computer and sits by me with his. I love it! My almost eight year old is begging for his own computer right now. I am a teacher and I think the differentiation of instruction is going to help the most. If students can work on their personal level, that's personalized education. Which no one teacher can do on their own with 25 students at a time. Critical thinking is going to have the students learning more. They will challenge themselves. We all know if you have good critical thinking skills, you can accomplish anything. New capabilties are just endless. An alternative learning enviorment is outstanding. A student who has problems whatever may be can laern in the comfort of their own home. Many students are not meant to be in the classroom. This is a way that they can still learn. You could have a child who is being bullyied or just doesn't fit in, well he/she can learn online. The Web 2.0 users will be able to extend learning. If a student wants to learn more about a concept, then they can. If a teacher wants to learn more, they can. This creates lifelong learning and is this not want we want? It's this want we all need to be lifelong learners.

This tool will make teachers, studnets, and parents be more connected. I am a parent and for sure I want to know more about what my son is learning. I want to know how he can extend his learning. I want to help with differentiation of his learning. Now, that's not to say that Web 2.0 is not confussing. Because it is. Here are somes tools that will make things easier. The tools include presentation, video, mobile, image editing, community and the best of the rest.
However with anything you have in life, it changes! Things/applications come and go. The good thing about applications leaving, is a new better one is taking it's place.

Scarenger Hunt
Web 2012 The fist item a found similiar to twitter is edmodo. It is desinged specially for educators.
Edmodo offers custom mini-communities for class clubs, and parents. Everyone can communitate and know what is going on in class.

Prezi is a great web site that allows you to work on presentations.
Prezi is very easy to use. I use this appilcation myself! You can make presentations. You can share presentations. You are able to work with others on making these presnetations. I really like this site.
A tool that can help you make you make your own poll of any information is
Make own pollof information. Would you purchase a Iphone for your child to use in class?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Project 9b

My Very Long Educational Journey


Personal Learning Network

I am working on my PLN. I have watched all the videos and read the websites. I started a delicious page. I stated a symbaloo page, which I love. So that is what I am using. I am following many teachers on twitter. I am following the teacher that made the short helpful video. I am following the great teacher who her 9th grade students help her start her PLN. I have talked with both of them last night on twitter. It was very exciting. The PLN is to help me stay connected with teachers/educators. We are able to commiunciate on many topics. We are able to help one another. Isn't that why we are teachers? So we can help students. So many times I have helpded cloegge classmates and then when I need they turn up their nose. I think it's great that their are really people wanting to hep, instead of just getting help themselves.

Lori Wyatt symbaloo



I was assigned to Many Varieties teachernz. This post was about a 9 year old who planted a tree on Arbor Day. The teacher cried and was so uplifted by his students post. I just said that it was great for students to get that excited about what they are doing. It is great that students are learning so much about technology.

I chose to read a later blog post about teachers meeting. A group of likeminded educators met at the Epsom Girls Grammar School. He meet new faces, online friends and old familar faces. He said the day was great. It was to further their understanding of Third Millenium Pedagogy Professor Stephen Heppell dicusses how the "Old Factory Schools" capped students learning off. He said that those days are long gone. The Third Millenium is "technology in learning". He stated "WE AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET". I think his statement is so true. I loved the fact tht he ain't! I laughed at him. he stated that we needed clear values and a clear vision. Technology allows us to do what we want. Anywhere and anything is a mouse click away.

The teacher was excited about learning about new tools to engage students and promote effective learning. He said that Twitter is wonderful. We can talk to anyone about anything. We can have conversations with strangers that are just as passionate as we are about education. He liked hearing and sharing thoughts, successes, pitfalls, and reflections. We can connect and collaborate with people from around the world.

This teacher is diffferent. I have enjoyed his post. I am different so it has been nice to see a different point of view. I can honestly say I have changed my thoughts about technology. I have a better understanding of what my place is as a teacher in guiding students into and throughout technology.

Blog Post #7

The Network Student by Wendy Drexter Network teacher

The Network Student>Wendy Drexter This video was very informative. I learned a lot about how teachers are to teach connectivism.

We as teachers are to teach our students how to reseach on the web. We are to guide them through their searches. We are to teach our students how to use the network of information.

The students are to make connections with others to learn more about the subject they are studying. They are to set up a personal learning network. The students are to take control of their own learning. Which is so radical to me. I was taught what I needed to know by my teachers. During student teaching Spring of 2012, the teachers taught the students what they needed to know. They are so wrapped up in teaching to the test it was sick. What did these students learn on their own? Did they learn how to use the internet as a tool for learning? No. If you went to that school and asked if they used technology, they would say "Oh yes we use videos and smart board for reading street, math, and social studies." But it was the teachers using it, not the students. What have I learn on my own? Nothing until Dr. Strange's class. I believe I will be a better teacher now. I will show my students how to learn by themselves. I will teach them the tools that they will need. I will teach them how to use the tools.

The students are to set up networks and connections about their subject. They are to blog, but blogs are more about opitions than facts. So they are to use google scholar and iTunesU. They are to use virtual textbooks and wiki.

Welcome to My PLN

7th grader PLN this student was very impressive. The student was learning how to find information online. The student used symbaloo. The top role across the top was personal favorites, not school related. The bottom role is school related. The student checks their PLN everyday. The student explains about finding websites and conducting research. The student uses the blog for reflections, not just research. The student uses a special note taking application. Which I would love to find and use! The student uses bloggster for images. The student uses Skype to ask questions and talk with professionals. The student said using technology gives them more freedom. The students claims that more freedom leads to responsibility. I do not believe that. Freedom leads to responsibility? I really don't like the students skyping older adults. I think there should be rules or standards for the uses of technology through school. There are nasty freaks out there, that can pose as anyone on the internet. I am a parent! I have much concern about my child having freedom to go on the internet and do whatever he wishes. The student doesn't use a pencil? Really? What about handwriting skills? I believe that all tools should be used during education. Pencils, internet, dry erase markers, and the list goes on...

The teacher, she/he is the one who teaches how to use the network. She/he is to be the synthesizer. She/he helps organize and maintain information. She/he is the connecting learning incubator. She/he is the change agent. She /he teaches learning arachitect. Wow! I learned a lot by watching this short video. I had no clue how I was to still be a teacher in this technology driven world. Now I know! It is my favorite, except for Randy Paucsh.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Blog Post #6

Dr. Randy Pausch's Last Lecture Last Lecture was a very imspiring video to watch. I was amazed by his strentgh and outlook on life. He still was a teacher even in his last days.
Randy Pausch

Dr. Pausch talked about his childhood dreams. He talked about achieving thise dreams. At zero gravity he wanted to float, that's all. He wanted to be in the NFL, but never made it. He wanted to write in the World Book and he did. He was in the World Book about Virtiual Reality. He didn't become Captain Kirk. He became someone better. Captain Kirk wanted to meet him. He loved winning stuffed animals and so did his father. This last childhood dream was the hardest.. being an Imagineer. He did that very well.

He stated that when there is an elephant in the room, you address it. He said to smile a lot. You are to enable the dreams of others. I believe this is what we as teachers should do. Find out what are the dreams of your studnets and help them reach their dreams. We must learn how to achieve our dreams to enable the dreams of others.

You will hit brick walls. They are there for a reason. The walls let us prove how badly we want them. They are also there to stop the poeple that don't want it badly enough. We must teach this to our students. Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. Man, I have a lot of experience. I have hit that wall so many times. Find out what you do best and do it your best. You must have something to bring to the table. It will make you more welcomed.An imangineer is in the business of telling, just like a teacher.

We should all be teachers. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. This is so true. Thank God he has not granted all my wishes I have wished for! People say things in two ways: bad or good. Best thing to give someone is the chance to show other people how to be happy. Teachers, this is our business. We are to lift every student up. We are to tell all students to reach for the sky. Teachers are to make hard concepts fun to learn.

When we have hard concepts allow the children to work in groups. They need to figure the concept out, not just us standing up there in front of the room telling them what is on the test. We as teachers should challenge our students to think. I believe we teachers need to be challenged too. I feel this class is challenging me! Which is great.

Dr. Pausch formed ALICE which is a computer software company. His students thought they were making a story not a program. It is all on how you present the concept. Don't be affraid to brake the mold. One of the hardest things to do is to become self reflecting. The other hardest thing to do is to listen to someone give you feedback about yourself. Wow! That is so hard to put your feelings aside and listen.

The roles of teachers, parents, mentiors, and students can be tough, but we need those relationships. Let kids be kids!! I love that. Let kids paint their own rooms. Allow children to have a voice. Be either be Tigger or Eeyore. Please never lose child like wonder! We are to help others. Be honest, tell the truth. Please apologize when you screw up, and we all do. Your focus should be on others, not yourself. If you don't think kids should think and act like children, I pray that one of my sons doesn't get you for his teacher. I really think every one in education should have to watch this video. He seemed down to Earth. He seemed to know about real life and how it works.

Project #8

Lori Wyatt Project 9a Timeline

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bog Post #5

Lori Wyatt Picture

Tran's Allen I school
The video Travis Allen I thinks this is wonderful concept that young Mr. Allen Travis video#2 has came up with. I like the fact that it would have the school districts money. I love the fact that students, teachers, and parents can communicate this easily. I really like the iHomewrok, as a mother and a child I know children lie about homework. This way the parents would always now exactly what is expected of the students. He says that our education system is broken. Yes the education system is broken. The districts give more money to the "big wigs" then the teachers.

Most students don't come to school with school supplies, so I think it would be very hard to get the parents to spend $150 for and iPhone. I do believe that technology belongs in the classroom. However I don't want my sons on the interent or youTube. I don't want my sons to be goggled. I believe Mr. Allen has great ideas but they are not realistic. Children are not responsible. They would loose the iPhone. A parent is not going to want to replace it. I still believe in reading real books. I do like the books on the iSchool, however I have spent at least $2,000 on my home library. My favorite three parts is the U.S. Presidents, the Star Walk, and Formulae Math problems.

Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir "Lux Aurumque"
The video Lux Aurumque was wonderful. It is hard to believe that none of the singers have never meet. All the singers were recorded on YouTube and Eric uploaded and put all of the together. I loved seeing all the different faces and how they made a big picture.

Kevin Robers Teaching in the 21st Century
Mr. Robers Teaching in the 21st Century says that we ae no longer teachers like we use to be. Students can get everything they need to know online. We are just a filter. We as teachers are to teacher our students how to look up what they want to know. We are to teach them online safety. We are only there to watch and make sure they are looking up the right things. I think this is crazy. I want to be a teacher not a filter.

A. Katie Gimbar Why I flipped my Classroom
Katie is a math teacher Why I flipped My Classroom who was wasting valuable instruction time. She was only teaching to the average students. She was leaving behind the low students. She wasn't challenging the higher students. So she tape her lessons and made a podcast. The students were able to watch the lesson the night before. If they had questions, they could post them. This made her instruction time go down to 10%. She was able to help the students that need extra instruction. She was able to challenge the higher students. I do like this idea. One draw back for me is that all the students wouldn't watch the podcast. If you are a struggling student the last thing you want to do when you get home is watch your teacher teach new concepts.

B. Dr. Lodge McCammon's Fizz
Dr. McCammon's Fizz is a new way for teachers to video the concepts and have the students watch before class. He claims that the Fizz is very efficient. He says you can focus on differentiated instruction. Yes, I think this is great. I would love to use this in my own classroom. But again the struggling students are not going to care about watching me teach. Most students have lives outside the classroom. They are in school 8 hours a day anyways. Great idea.. hOw do you make the students do it???

C. Ms. Munafo Flipping the Class-4th grade STEM
Again I don't think students unless they are the higher students are going to do this. 4th grade STEM I do agree with her idea to allow the students to watch the videos when they come to class the next morning. I would use this as my morning routine. I am a mother and I know how hard it is to get my son to do two pages of homework every night. There are so many outside activities that students have to do when school is over. I think the whole education system is forgetting that these are KIDS!!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Blog Post #4

The Benefits of Podcasting in the classroom by Joe Dale
Podcasting Podcasting in the classroomis an effective tool of connecting with students outside the classroom. Children born after 1980 are called the Millenial generation and technology is an important part of their every day life. Podcasting leads to higher order questioning and higher on the Bloom's Taxonomy scale. It can enhance student learning a great deal. If a student is sick and can't come to school that day, they can watch the podcast. If a student doesn't understand the content, the student can watch the podcast at home for a deeper understanding. Students can connect with other students form around the world. Parents can watch and hear what goes on in their child's classroom. It is easy for teachers, students, and parents to keep up with what is going on in the classroom.

I have mixed feelings about podcasting. Yes I think it is great that if a student misses school, they can catch up on the assignments. I think it is GREAT if students need to review for content material. However, I have a privacy concern. I am a parent and I feel that there is too much information about my child available to people I don't know. I feel the same way about myself. That is why I don't use social networking. I don't want all my information to be goggled. I am not a fan.
Podcasting with first grade
Ms. Tolisano Podcasting with first grade helped a first grade class create a podcast. The book they read and asked questions was from the Magic Treehouse Volcano by Mary Pope Osborne. The students had thought of questions that they would like to ask Jack and Annie. The boys answered the questions for Jack. The girls answered the questions for Annie. The teacher said the class really enjoyed this activity. The first graders had been introduced to podcasting by watching a second grade class report on animals. The first graders loved having an audience. The students learned many skills: listening, speaking, presenting, comprehension, and oral fluency. Technology is the main skill that these students learned.

I would like to do this in my own classroom. However, I would use a story out of the reading program that my school was using. Time is too valuable for students. There are many skills that the students must learn. So yes I would try this in my own classroom but with a story that taught content skills. By using a story that the students might not be interested in, it might pique their interest. I think that having technology is wonderful, but standards still must be met. I wouldn't use a book without standard skills embedded in it.
The Practical Principals with Melinda Miller and Scott Elias
This podcastPractical Principles had every useful information, with countless websites to go to. They have several different podcast for you to view. The one I liked was the summer 2010. It gave the teachers things to look forward to. It gave the teachers sites to wellness (which we ALL need). It had a site about creating your own social network. The site provided updates to new content. It was very easy to find new content.

I liked this site. It gave lots of different kinds of information for different kinds of teachers. I will visit this site again and watch more podcast. I can see myself using this at home when I get my own classroom.



Sunday, June 10, 2012


"Memorial Day (and technology integration)tokenism."
Scott McLeod blogged about Memorial Day and how certain people use tokenism. Tokenism means using a cause that is not your own to gain votes or favor with a certain group of people. He stated that we should be more worried about what we are doing for our troops and their families instead of buying a yellow ribbion to stick on our car. And how politicians use "Memorial Day" speeches to gain something for themselves. I totally agree. I believe we should teach our children how important it is to serve our country. And respect the men and women that do. As a mom, that is what I am teaching my sons.
He spoke about schools and how they say that they are technology integrated when they are not. He called this "technology integration tokenism. And he is right. I have visited several schools and they do claim to be technology integrated, but the only people using the technology is the teachers not the students. This University is no different. I have only been in this class for four days and I have learned so much that I didn't know before. I am glad that I signed up to take this course.
Lessons come from doing...
If Ted Ed asked the learn to watch a video, take a multiple-choice qyiz,a nd write a brief constructed response most educators wuld say that it is traditional assessment. He says that it is fine to teach this way, but don't let it be your entire lesson. He stated that lessons come from doing.
Well I think learning comes from doing not just the lesson. I believe that students learn best by hands on activities. There are many different components that make up explicit instruction. It takes a combination approach to learning. Don't just show your students how to do something or use an app., let them learn through doing.

Blog Post #3


1. What is Peer Editing?
Peer editing Peer Editing is editing another student's writing/blog. You are to always be positive when editing. In your edit, give the student ideas or examples to improve their writing/blog. A good way to communicate to the student you are editing is through an email or blog.

Peer editing is a good way to help a fellow student with grammar issues. I am not the best writer so I like the idea of having a peer help me. I believe that it helps build relationships with the students. However, I am not a big fan of writing. I can talk to you all day long. But writing is difficult for me. It is a difficult task for me because I am a poor writer and I may not catch grammar mistakes.
2. Technology in Special Education
Lacey CookTechnology in Special Education said that technology is an essential tool that helps enhance her special needs students education in her class. Lacey states that the use of lab top computers has changed her classroom. It has also changed her teaching style. She feels that her students get so much more out of class. The students being able to hear, see, or touch has made a wonderful impact. Some of these students would not be able to communicate if they did not use computers.
a. How can I use technology for special needs students in my class?
I can help my special needs students achieve what they couldn't without the use of computers. There are many applications out there for me to be able to help any student with any need. My students would be able to communicate with me. There is endless possibilities. I will be able to teach my students much more than I have ever dreamed.
b. How the iPad works with academics for Autism
The video showed Braden a child with Autism IPad for Autismlearning by using an iPad. Braden touches an item and the iPad tells him the name, spelling and number. It teaches the children phonic awareness. It is a wonderful tool for children with Autism to use. I explored the educational apps that iPad has to offer. And look for ones that I could use with my own classroom. They had applications for; math, language arts, science, history, language development, art, and accessibility. The accessibility application made learning more accessible to students with visual challenges, hearing challenges and different learning styles. The students can connect with other students just like them.
3. Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
Vicki Davis Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts is an computer teacher from a rural area in GA. Her class has a blog and she won best teacher blog. She allows her students to connect with other students around the world. Vicki says that students have trouble when all they have is pencil and paper. As a teacher you don't have to everything to teach students. Students should be thinkers and before long the students will be teaching the teachers how to accomplish a certain task. Her students belong to DigiTeen. DigiTeen is where students can do research, post blogs, and experience new trends in education. They are connected to the outside world. I loved this video. I thought it was wonderful. It taught me that there are so many different ways in integrate technology into my classroom.

I browsed K-2 since my son is going into the 2nd grade. I signed up for the newsletter on the website. This site I am able to set up social and emotional learning in my classroom, school and school districts. I can set up in my own home as well. The site has; comprehensive Assessment, Integrated Studies, Project-based learning, Social and Emotional learning, Teacher development and Technology Integration.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Wordle: Lori Wyatt

Blog Post #2

Lori Wyatt

Did you Know?
The two videos Dr. Strange opened my eyes to the statics of the United States compared to India and China. Yes India has a greater population than the United Staes. However, I believe that the students in the U.S. are receiving a better education. India is a country that allows cows and monkeys to walk to streets and be free. China is massive. I believe China does a great job educating it's students. And yes the U.S. could learn from them.

The number of computers in the world is huge. How students find information now has change so much in the last ten years. And as an educator I must get my students ready for what is coming next, even though I do not know myself.
Mr. Winkle
After sleeping for 100 years Mr. WinkleMr.Winkle wakes up. He goes into a high rise office building. There were lots of people. There were lots of noise. There were these machines that freaked Mr. Winkle out. He saw computers and printers. He watched people talk to each other over the computer. All of this stressed Mr. Winkle out. He thought that he needed to go to the hospital. He went to the hospital and it was the same way. This did not make Mr. Winkle feel better. He felt worse. So he left.

He walked into a school. This made him feel better. The teacher was standing in front of the room talking to the students. The students were taking notes about what the teacher was saying. This made Mr. Winkle feel better. In the 100 years schools had not change. He was not stressed out. He noticed the machine that he had seen in the office building and the hospital. This time the machine was dusty and no one used it. He liked school and would be back. This just goes to show that education needs to change. We must get with the times. We must follow what the rest of the world is doing. We must have technology in the classroom. Technology is a huge part in the rest of the world, so we must teach our students about it. And we must teach our students how to use it.
The Importance of Creativity
Everyone has an interest in education.Importance of Creativity No one has a glue what the world will look like in five years. Schools kill creativity. When they should celebrate creativity. We are to be educated. All kids have talents and we get rid of their talents. Creativity is important! We need to tap into children's creativity. We must rethink how we are educating our students. We grow out of creativity. If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.

Education came about to meet the needs of industrialism. Now education must come about to meet the needs of whats happening now. Schools are also based on how well you preform on math and reading test. The things that some students are great at, have no value in our education systems. No room for creativity. We are setting ourselves up for failure.
Classroom Disruption
The video Classroom Disruption showed two classrooms with two totally different ways of teaching. The first classroom was interactive. The class had computers. They used twitter, face book, and blogs to stay in touch with their teacher. This was a hands on way of teaching. Everyone in the class loved it.
The second class had books and chart paper. The students were asked to read the chapter and look in the index for terms. The teacher stood up and talked the whole time. The teacher did not help the students with their questions.

I prefer the first class. This class was interactive and exciting. The second class is most representative of the classes I have taken all my life. The first class objectives were to learn though interaction. If you needed help the teacher was there to help. Many different learning styles were met. The second classes objectives were to learn what the teacher was telling you to learn. And don't ask questions. I want to teach like the first class. I want my students to be happy and feel like they are learning. I want my classroom to be interactive. I will need to educate myself on the latest technology. I will need to take classes myself to stay on top of what is going on right now.