Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Blog Post #10

Adventures in Pencil Integration

Adventures in Pencil Intergration has a post with the drawing above posted. Well I did a little research on paper mate and ticonderoga. I read about the ticonderoga and how it has the yellow and green strips. I remeber the pencil from school. I checked out a teacher's blog Blog about Best Pencils and the teacher said paper mate is better for your money.

However, I believe John T. Spencer is talking about technology. Technology now days is better and more expensive than regular school supplies. He is saying that technology will not be used by every educator. They will say it is too expensive.

Why Were Your Kids Playing Games?

John T. Spencer has a meeting with his principal. The principal is asking him why were his students playing games instead of having class. What the principal and many others don't understand is that students learn through games. Much of their content standards can be taught through games. I was AMSTI certified in May. AMSTI (Alabama Math and Science Technology Instinctive) teaches teachers how to teach math concepts through games. It was so much fun. I know I would rather learn math through games. I am sure that a child would too!

The Con Academy John T. Spencer school is visit by Khan Academy man. The principal ask Mr. Spencer to come talk to the salesman. Mr. Spencer is not impressed with this differentiated instruction, pick your worksheets, and change your role as teacher man. However, the principal is. I believe we should combined all the "new and old" stuff in education. We just can't throw out the window what has worked for centuries. But we can't ignore what is happening in the future. Wow! I have tons of work ahead of me.

Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff, Please?

Scott McLeod is stating that we all need to get on board with technology, even if someone is telling you not to. Because they are doing it. Dr. McLeod has created the only academy dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators. Which is wonderful. The sad thing is that he is the only person who has a academy for administrators. He is an author. He is in the fore front of technology and using technology in schools.


  1. Lori after viewing the pictures I also felt the same way. I believe John Spencer is not trying to portray anything other than to make the advancements through technology visual for others. By allowing one to see visualize what is going on through the education system it allows one to have an open mind to the changes being made. Scott McLeod did the same thing, through a blog post. I also felt that it was diheartening to see he was the only one on board with technology no one else in his department seemed to care.

  2. The first part of the assignment was to explain the cartoon. Papermate is a metaphor for a PV. Ticonderoga is a metaphor for a Mac. The cartoon characters resemble the stars of the long series (66 over 4 years) of Apple ads starring John Hodgman as PC and Justin Long as Mac.

    2. The second part of the assignment was to read the post Why Were Your Kids Playing Games? , read at least one other post, create a link to in on your post, write a quality post about the two posts you read.

    3. The third part of the assignment was to read the post and some comments by previous students and then to discuss your position on the arguments made by Dr. McLeod.

    In addition you were to send Tweets to Mr. Spencer and Dr. McLeod.

    You missed the metaphor in the cartoon but you were getting close.

    You missed the message Mr. Spencer was sending via the cartoon.

    You missed the message of Mr. Spencer's post in which the principal wants him to practice "drill and memorize" activities instead of projects or other learning approaches. All to pass the tests.

    You missed the satire of Mr. McLeod.

    You missed the message of Mr. McLeod which is that you can try to keep your kids away from technology which is fine with me. Mine will use it and speed past your kids in skills, abilities and rewards.

    You apparently did not read the comments left by previous students.

    I have not yet checked to see whether you sent the Tweets.

  3. The first part of the assignment was to explain the cartoon. Papermate is a metaphor for a PV. Ticonderoga is a metaphor for a Mac. The cartoon characters resemble the stars of the long series (66 over 4 years) of Apple ads starring John Hodgman as PC and Justin Long as Mac.

    2. The second part of the assignment was to read the post Why Were Your Kids Playing Games? , read at least one other post, create a link to in on your post, write a quality post about the two posts you read.

    3. The third part of the assignment was to read the post and some comments by previous students and then to discuss your position on the arguments made by Dr. McLeod.

    In addition you were to send Tweets to Mr. Spencer and Dr. McLeod.

    You missed the metaphor in the cartoon but came close to getting it.

    You missed the message Mr. Spencer was sending via the cartoon.

    You missed the metaphor of Mr. Spencer's post (pencils=computers).

    You missed the satire of Mr. McLeod.

    You missed the message of Mr. McLeod.

    You apparently did not read the comments left by previous students.

    I have not yet checked to see whether you sent the Tweets.
